FDIC Updates Exam Manual

This month, the FDIC announced updates to their Risk Management Manual of Examination Policies (RMS Manual), including:

  • Section 1.1 of the RMS Manual: This section was updated to incorporate new procedures related to communication between examinations and to emphasize the importance of this ongoing communication with institution management.

  • Section 16.1 – Report of Examination Instructions:  This section provides instructions related to the development of a Report of Examination.  Updates were made to the Confidential Supervisory Section instructions to streamline the material that may be included on this page.  Additionally, updates were made to the Abbreviations schedule to incorporate additional abbreviations that may be utilized in Reports. 

    Section 17.1 Bank of Anytown:  This section provides an example examination report.  The updated section contains edits regarding the referencing of supervisory guidance, revised example date formats, and miscellaneous technical updates.

The current version of the FDIC’s RMS Manual can be found here.

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