Three Great BSA/AML Video Training Programs!

Welcome to the Compliance Cohort where we offer three different BSA/AML video training programs to meet your needs. Each of the training programs are delivered by video in our “virtual classroom” approach where an instructor is seen presenting in front of slides, just like you would experience in a live seminar program (click on one of our programs below for a video sample of how our training programs are delivered).


BSA/AML Video Training Program 1: BSA Basics

The first BSA/AML training program we offer is call BSA Basics. BSA Basics is a program designed as a higher-level overview of the requirements of a BSA/AML program for banks and credit unions. Taking just over an hour to complete, BSA Basics is a quick and efficient way to get general BSA/AML training - without even leaving your office. As you are most likely well aware of, examiners often want to see that both BSA officers and applicable staff/management receive appropriate “outside” BSA/AML training - and BSA Basics is an easy and affordable way to do just that.

Click here to learn more about our BSA Basics video training program.

BSA/AML Video Training Program 2: BSA Bootcamp!

The second BSA/AML training program we have available is called BSA Bootcamp! A Foundational BSA/AML Class. The BSA Bootcamp! is designed to be a foundational (and comprehensive!) online course on the Bank Secrecy Act and anti-money laundering (AML) rules.  Twice the length of a typical webinar, this Compliance Class runs around 3 ½ hours and takes a deep dive into the core elements of BSA rules that any BSA/AML professional should know and understand.  

This comprehensive program is broken up into five different parts and explains 1) where the BSA rules came from, 2) how risk management should be at the foundation of any BSA program, 3) what the 5 pillars of BSA are and how they should be implemented in a financial institution, 4) the key areas of a BSA/AML program, and concludes with 5) some practical tips for understanding and managing a BSA program.  The BSA Bootcamp! Includes both a comprehensive manual and 3 training videos. (See the full class curriculum below.)

Using layman’s terms and practical examples, this program is both comprehensive and easy to understand, and incorporates a bit of fun into the process.  Not to mention a few good money laundering and fraud case studies (stories).

While specifically designed as a foundational class for those new to BSA, this program would be beneficial for both new and seasoned BSA Officers, BSA back-ups, auditors, and anyone else with BSA responsibilities or oversight.  This program would also serve as a comprehensive “refresher” for those looking for and easy-to-access BSA/AML training.

Click here to learn more about our BSA Bootcamp! video training program.

BSA/AML Video Training Program 3: BSA/AML Training for Board of Directors

The third BSA/AML training program offered by the Compliance Cohort is our BSA/AML Training for Board of Directors. We understand that directors need higher level training that identifies key points and avoids getting too detailed. Therefore, our Bank Secrecy Act Training for Board of Directors is designed to provide a overview of Bank Secrecy Act and anti-money laundering risks from the perspective of what a Director needs to know in order to have appropriate oversight of this high-risk area.  Plus, our comprehensive training is designed to be delivered to the Board in under 30 minutes.

Click here to learn more about our BSA/AML Training for Board of Directors.

The Virtual Classroom Approach

All of our Compliance Classes are presented in our virtual classroom approach.  This approach is designed to bring the presenter to you (at a fraction of the cost of having a live person) and includes a video of the presenter in front of a slide presentation that replicates a typical seminar environment.  In addition, our presenters take a three-part approach to compliance instruction: to educate, to empower, and to entertain. This is achieved by focusing on relevant topics, speaking in simple to understand, layman's terms, and by keeping it light and humorous whenever possible.  We have found that this "3-E" approach allow students to learn as quickly and effectively as possible. And, it adds a little bit of fun to an otherwise dreadful topic.

60-Day Access for our BSA/AML Video Training Programs

When you purchase any of our BSA/AML video training programs, you get instant access to the online version of the class for 60 days.  You will also receive an electronic version of the accompanying manual to keep.

100% Money Back Guarantee

We believe in our training products so much that we offer a 100% money back guarantee.  If you do not feel that you received the value promised for one of our video training programs, contact us within the first 10 business days after purchase and we will provide 100% of the purchase price back to you.